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Hack Clubbers focus on one thing: shipping.

After building a project, like an app or website, “shipping” is publishing & sharing it online.

Your first ship your first day.

Students in many traditional computer science classes are lucky to make a single project. At Hack Clubs, every member makes & ships their first website their very first meeting.

Keeping your eyes on the prize.

Instead of learning programming concepts in isolation, learning by shipping means you focus on what you need to build real projects. It’s more fun & leads to better learning.

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trying to make my own arcade goal tracker (did HTML and CSS part), looking for help regarding JS part till then have look to UI demo at and github repo at

blutils So, this is probably my last scrapbook about blutils! Let me recap what I have managed to do in 65 hours of coding time: I have managed to create 10.5 coreutils in rust, which are usable. The coreutils are still lacking a few features and some commands but they are mostly done and functional. Blutils is not quite finished (but can be marked as a ship) and will be an ongoing project for some time, or probably for a long long time. In a few days I will add some Contribution guidelines to make contributions easier for everyone. I would like to thank everyone here for checking out and giving great feedback on my projects, and I would like to wish y’all a great life. Thanks, thanks and thanks again. And so, with those words, this was my last scrapbook post, unless I end up needing another hour or two! Here’s the project: Consider contributing if you want to help out!

made a website to list all my payment acceptance methods at and

made a page to list all my contact details, template is also available at github and demo at
@Tanmayi my cruise ship

Hello! I made a webcrawler in rust! Theres still quite a few more features I wanna add, but I'm ready to ship a basic version so here it is!

fixed issues with the shipping because the paths weren't right and on netlify the models didn't appear his is the ship test commit: remodeled the about page + created the price calculation algorithm the final commit:

A bit of a basic ship here but i made a quick app to answer a question i had about baby names; thnks to @Aram for telling me about the social security names database :)

charming slack ship! i seem to have forgotten several sessions related to this from a while ago; not sure whether its bot error or human error lol; the sessions were all realted to sixels which are a horrid pain

i made a movement engine for vehicles in godot - GitHub -

[reposting because hakkun was down] I embarked on a LORA journey a failed miserably, but in process learnt so much about communication protocols like SPI and I2C on a ESP32. A few months ago I had a "vision" for using LORA for off-grid communication after receiving my inspiration from The Trail projects and the Helium Crypto Miner which also uses LORA. I took a look at LCSC and managed to find one of the cheapest LORA modules called the LLCC68 at the low end of 4$ USD per module which is cheap in comparison to the 10$ of more popular chips that do the same thing. I thought to myself, this was amazing, I can't wait to bring cheap LORA into the technology ecosystem and have everyone using it. Boy was I wrong. After receiving a pouch of the 10 LORA modules on a breadboard, I thought to plop it on a breadboard connect some wires and have it hooked up to the ESP32. But noooo, the module uses smaller and less common 1mm spacing for it's pins instead of the common 2.54mm, devastated as I was I designed a PCB to allow me to adapt it as seen in the photo. I got the PCB, soldered it to the module and using some test code to see if it could communicate it with, nothing. After hours of troubleshooting I realised I had flipped one of the pin headers on the PCB so the traces were incorrect, 🤦‍♂️ . I fixed the PCB, ordered another, it came and I tested it. The test code sort of worked and it recognised that something was there, so I went to find the actual code that would allow me to communicate with it. This is where majority of my time was spent sorting through code and changing parameters to make it work with my module. I looked at several Arduino libraries for a ESP32 and my specific LORA module, and I went with trying RadioLib and EByte_LoRa_E220_Series_Library. Immediately with both and other libraries, I had trouble communicating with the module once again, I had checked everything, the wires, solder joints and hardware I was using. After reading a lot of forum posts and threads online using the ESP32, it was the pinout. The ESP32 has 2 serial peripheral interfaces, VSPI and HSPI. VSPI being considered default and more commonly used. I just kind of assumed all these libraries would use VSPI unless they specified otherwise in their documentation. Looking through the library's code, I found a mention of HSPI and when I changed the pins to HSPI to reflect this, it worked, sort of. I had gotten a new error message (finally), invalid header: 0xffffffff , not much better than the last. The maintainer of the repo suggested I used a Logic Analyser to see if there were any issues with the module. There and then I bought and learned how to use a logic analyser and analysed the SPI pins for how they communicated. I found nothing useful with this but thought it was neat using the logic analyser. More research into using HSPI for the ESP32 turned up to be that when the MISO pin (pin 12) is set high, it changes something in the internal voltage regulator making it crash. I couldn't find a way around this other than changing a ton of code in that library for it to use VSPI instead. I gave up here, it's like trying to balance something without a centre of gravity to balance on. I feel this is absurd that something like this is so difficult to use. That's why the price was so slow eh? There are still many things I could try, different libraries, rewriting the SPI protocol, trying different microcontrollers, but I'm just not at that capacity right now to do that; which is why I am leaving it open to y'all. If you've read through my terrible no-good LORA journey, I will offer to ship you a LORA module and PCB free of charge assuming you're located in Canada for you to test yourself. Message me for details. Link to RadioLib Issue.

I embarked on a LORA journey a failed miserably, but in process learnt so much about communication protocols like SPI and I2C on a ESP32. A few months ago I had a "vision" for using LORA for off-grid communication after receiving my inspiration from The Trail projects and the Helium Crypto Miner which also uses LORA. I took a look at LCSC and managed to find one of the cheapest LORA modules called the LLCC68 at the low end of 4$ USD per module which is cheap in comparison to the 10$ of more popular chips that do the same thing. I thought to myself, this was amazing, I can't wait to bring cheap LORA into the technology ecosystem and have everyone using it. Boy was I wrong. After receiving a pouch of the 10 LORA modules on a breadboard, I thought to plop it on a breadboard connect some wires and have it hooked up to the ESP32. But noooo, the module uses smaller and less common 1mm spacing for it's pins instead of the common 2.54mm, devastated as I was I designed a PCB to allow me to adapt it as seen in the photo. I got the PCB, soldered it to the module and using some test code to see if it could communicate it with, nothing. After hours of troubleshooting I realised I had flipped one of the pin headers on the PCB so the traces were incorrect, 🤦‍♂️ . I fixed the PCB, ordered another, it came and I tested it. The test code sort of worked and it recognised that something was there, so I went to find the actual code that would allow me to communicate with it. This is where majority of my time was spent sorting through code and changing parameters to make it work with my module. I looked at several Arduino libraries for a ESP32 and my specific LORA module, and I went with trying RadioLib and EByte_LoRa_E220_Series_Library. Immediately with both and other libraries, I had trouble communicating with the module once again, I had checked everything, the wires, solder joints and hardware I was using. After reading a lot of forum posts and threads online using the ESP32, it was the pinout. The ESP32 has 2 serial peripheral interfaces, VSPI and HSPI. VSPI being considered default and more commonly used. I just kind of assumed all these libraries would use VSPI unless they specified otherwise in their documentation. Looking through the library's code, I found a mention of HSPI and when I changed the pins to HSPI to reflect this, it worked, sort of. I had gotten a new error message (finally), invalid header: 0xffffffff , not much better than the last. The maintainer of the repo suggested I used a Logic Analyser to see if there were any issues with the module. There and then I bought and learned how to use a logic analyser and analysed the SPI pins for how they communicated. I found nothing useful with this but thought it was neat using the logic analyser. More research into using HSPI for the ESP32 turned up to be that when the MISO pin (pin 12) is set high, it changes something in the internal voltage regulator making it crash. I couldn't find a way around this other than changing a ton of code in that library for it to use VSPI instead. I gave up here, it's like trying to balance something without a centre of gravity to balance on. I feel this is absurd that something like this is so difficult to use. That's why the price was so slow eh? There are still many things I could try, different libraries, rewriting the SPI protocol, trying different microcontrollers, but I'm just not at that capacity right now to do that; which is why I am leaving it open to y'all. If you've read through my terrible no-good LORA journey, I will offer to ship you a LORA module and PCB free of charge assuming you're located in Canada for you to test yourself. Message me for details. Link to RadioLib Issue.

I just created 3D periodic table using A-Frame #ship #scrapbook #arcade :

Biggest ship I'm probably ever going to do, be prepared. This is benchmark 3/3, marking the completion of my github workflow builder I created a visual editor for github workflows! You know, those things which automate tasks and testing for you and stuff like that. It features a full visual-based editor,, teams, accounts, and so much more! In this project, I learned react and it has made me so much better at front-end development. The website is connected to a database hosted by mongodb and everything else is done internally, no external apis or anything like that! I plan to update the website soon for better screen support, more components, more features, ect. Currently it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use a laptop/monitor screen around 1920x1080. Many functions do not work on mobile at this time This took a total of 59 hours and is probably the last huge project I submit to arcade. It's been an amazing summer. You can find the website along with the github repository below, and I'd definitely appreciate it if anyone would like to contribute or even just make an account and use the service.

<|demo> | <|github repo>

My meeting web client template is LIVE @ refer for more information at GitHub repo (

I made a about with blog webpage. |

for some reason, i made an app to get the exact price of four million brown mushrooms on hypixel skyblock - - GitHub

i made a chatbot in godot based on googles gemini 1.5 flash ai model - GitHub

I Created a pocket sized 3D printable pencil case - Github

I remade pacman but its slightly physics based - GitHub -

Major UI update to my STEM app Runway 🚀 - 2 minutes a day to learn about an interesting STEM topic! it incorporates a points and leaderboard/friending system so you can compete with your friends too! here’s are some screenshots and a testflight link. feel free to try it out - all feedback is welcome 😄

Finished and published the new version of my team's robotics website I made for fun with svelte. Was a lot of fun to make it for the arcade especially making it look clean with the gradients. Still have plans to make two more pages, competition and robots, which will look cool and possibly have 3d models! Github: Website:

The Space Game, pretty much your shooting a bunch of aliens that are coming down to break your ship. If you shoot the bombs coming down to hit the ship, a sprite animation loads of the bomb blasting. Additionally, if you shoot the alien, they also blow up with an animation.

These are just a few posts…

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